A group of distribution lists manage faculty, staff, and students who have volunteered to participate in future usability sessions. The names on these lists constitute a recruitment pool for usability test participants. Only approved senders will be able to send to the lists.

All lists are opt in. An unsubscribe link will be appended automatically to the end of every email to the lists. All emails to the list will have a [Usability Program] tag automatically added to the beginning of the subject line.

Apply to Be an Approved Sender

Only approved senders will be able to send to the lists. Senders can use any combination of the lists they need to target the necessary users for their usability sessions. Any usability practitioner requesting approved sender status will be granted it.

Request Approved Sender Status

How to Send an Invitation

To invite participants to your usability session, send an email to one or more of the distribution lists below. Use any combination of the lists to target the necessary users.

Invitation Instructions & Templates