Big Data Analytics

The Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC) offers a number of solutions for researchers who work with big data. Services include access to hardware with large memory, storage for large data sets, and the ability to process data using MapReduce technologies and other analytics software packages.

Cloud Computing for Non-Research

UR-sponsored cloud services for faculty, staff and departments include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) via Microsoft Azure and AWS. Consult your local IT staff regarding cloud use within your unit or department. We are also available to consult regarding technology options.

Cloud Computing for Research

The Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC) supports UR-Sponsored Cloud services (Azure & AWS) and On-premise High Performance Computing (HPC) for research. Services include centralized billing, UR-negotiated price discounts, training, trouble-shooting, and custom solutions to facilitate your computational research needs.

Computational Science Consulting

Computational scientists at the Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC) are trained at the Ph.D. level and serve as translators between domain knowledge and technical expertise in using research computing. They collaborate with investigators on projects, co-author publications, and are often partially funded through grant projects.

Research Computing

The Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC) provides researchers with access to two high-performance computing systems: Blue Hive Linux cluster and the Blue Gene/Q supercomputer. The systems host nearly 600 applications and libraries and more than 2 petabytes of storage for a wide variety of academic disciplines.

University-wide Research Resources

Researchers require technical assistance, aid with grant writing, understanding University and research policies and resources that are available through their department, school or center. The Office of the Vice President for Research has an extensive list of research resources and current information on guidance directly related to grant requirements.


The VISTA Collaboratory is a visualization lab equipped with an interactive display wall that is connected to supercomputers. Capable of rendering massive data sets in real time, it provides an immersive environment to visualize and analyze complex data. Remove visualization is also available, allowing you to visualize data on Blue Hive and view it on your personal computer.