Blackboard Wiki

A collaborative space where all students can view, contribute and edit content. Typically used for student collaboration and content creation.

Course wikis are created by instructors. Instructors can create one or more wikis for all course members to contribute to and wikis for specific groups to use to collaborate.  Wikis can also be used to record information and serve as a repository for course information and knowledge. In this case, the instructor would to be the sole author. Instructors can view all changes to all pages in the wiki. You can view changes at a high level and then drill down to retrieve information about the development and contributions for any individual.

You choose whether to assign grades to student contributions to a wiki. After a wiki is set to be graded, a grade column is created automatically in the Grade Center. Individual student and group contributions then can be graded inside the Wikis tool, where all pages and edits can be referenced as the grade is determined.

An assigned grade can also be edited from inside the Wikis tool and the Grade Center is updated. Grades for wikis are changed, deleted, reverted, and overridden just like other grades in the Grade Center. Students can view their wiki grades in the My Grades tool.

Note: When a student is updating a wiki page, the rest of the students are locked out of it until it is released.

This is the only Bb tool that allows multiple students to collaborate within the same text entry area. The other tools store student entries separately under the students’ names, but the wiki can be organized by research topic, work group, etc.

Additional Wiki Resources

Using Wikis
Grading Wikis