What is High Risk information?

Protected or restricted information is any information that is protected by law or policy and that requires a higher level of access control and security protection. The University’s Policy on IT defines the University data classifications, such as high risk information, and the policies associated with each classification.

When am I required to use SecureMail?

Type of Information Recipient Type Normal Email SecureMail
Not High Risk All X
High Risk Non-URMC faculty or staff X
Students X
URMC faculty or staff X
Non-University email address X

How do I enable JavaScript for using SecureMail?

Select your default browser for a tutorial on enabling Javascript:

Can I read SecureMail on my mobile device?

Yes, but not all mobile devices enable the link in the “SecureMessageAtt.htm” attachment.  We recommend the following browser/device configurations for best results:

  • Android: Chrome, Opera
  • iOS (iPhone/iPad): Chrome, Safari (mixed results depending on Apple security features applied with a version update or patch)

Why do University users receive my SecureMail messages unencrypted?

When using the !secure subject-line keyword, the SecureMail service only encrypts messages that leave the user’s email system. Messages between users on the same email system (UR Office 365 to UR Office 365 or UR Office 365 to URMedicine Exchange) are not encrypted since they remain within a secured mail environment.

Why can a Juno email recipient (@juno email address) not receive an encrypted email message?

The Juno email service modifies the email message in a way that prevents the encrypted attachment from being able to be opened up.