
Most-used passwords of 202

Passwords are the primary vulnerabilities to cause data breaches within companies because employees continue to use easy-to-guess credentials. Hackers pay attention to highly used pop culture or sports terms, knowing users will often resort to those easy-to-remember words. Even if your password did not make this list of the Top 200 Most Common Passwords of 2023, University IT advises you to think about better practices for your New Year’s resolution. Never re-use your passwords and visit University IT’s password web page for tips on creating strong credentials and keeping your data safe. Can’t remember your passwords? Use Keeper, a secure password management tool that is available to all staff at the University, including the Medical Center and affiliates. Students can sign up for a free annual Keeper account.


New year, new scams

Whether or not you’re still going strong with those New Year’s resolutions, scammers are taking advantage. Targeting the most popular resolutions, these scammers are providing too good-to-be-true incentives to keep you on track. Whether these are health improvements or wanting to give back, be sure to read the fine print and be wary of anything seeming too good to be true. The Better Business Bureau has compiled a list of helpful tips to keep you scam-free in 2024. University IT encourages you to take charge of your sensitive information by becoming more vigilant in safe cyber practices.


Clean up your cyber hygiene

As 2024 progresses, the University’s Information Security team reminds you to be mindful of your cyber hygiene. With the recent uptick of worldwide security breaches and data leaks, you can never be too safe. Using a password management tool, enabling multifactor authentication across sensitive accounts, and monitoring those accounts are great ways to avoid data leaks. Learn more ways to clean up your cyber hygiene.

Information Security will hold its next “Ask Security Anything” session on Thursday, February 15, from 3 to 3:45 p.m. Add the event to your calendar.