Panopto tools for Blackboard Original Courses

Panopto Course Folder Tool – This tool allows you to access the Panopto folder associated with this course. If the folder has not yet been created, clicking this tool will create/provision it. This tool is available on the “Access to Tools” (or similar) link in the left hand menu or can be added to your course content through the Build Content menu.

[Please note that the University of Rochester tool is named “Panopto Course Folder Tool” – it may be different in documentation linked below]

How to Add Panopto to a Blackboard Course Using Original Course View

Access your Panopto folder (video)

To add videos to your course folder, create your folder using the Panopto Course Folder Tool above. Then use the Create button to Upload media into the folder using the instructions here, starting with step 1.2

Upload Videos into your Course folder

To reuse videos from another course folder, use the steps here to make copies of videos into your course folder

Copy Videos from one Panopto folder to another

Panopto Video Embed Tool – This tool allows you to create a link to a Panopto video in your course content area. It is accessed from the Build Content menu.

[Please note that the University of Rochester tool is named “Panopto Video Embed Tool” – it may be different in documentation linked below]

How to Embed Videos into a Blackboard Course

Add Panopto Link to an Original course (video)

Panopto Quizzing Tool -This tool allows you to create a link to a Panopto video that contains quiz questions. It will also create a grade center item for the quiz and when students complete the quiz, it will pass back their scores. It is accessed from the Build Content menu. Please create your Quiz questions directly in Panopto before linking within your course. How to Add a Quiz to a Video

[Please note that the University of Rochester tool is named “Panopto Quizzing Tool” – it may be different in documentation linked below]

How to Embed Panopto Videos with Quizzes in Blackboard Original Course View

Add a Panopto Video Quiz to your Original course (video)

Panopto Student Submission Tool –  This tool allows students to submit a video to you as part of an assignment. The video is accessible only to people with access to the Grade Center.

[Please note that the University of Rochester tool is named “Panopto Student Submission Tool” – it may be different in documentation linked below]

How to Create a Video Assignment in Blackboard 

Create a video assignment in Original courses (video)

We highly recommend that you provide a link to this site for your students.

How to Submit a Video Assignment in Blackboard (For Students)

Panopto tools for Blackboard Ultra Courses


Panopto Course Folder Tool  -This tool allows you to access the Panopto folder associated with this course. If the folder has not yet been created, clicking this tool will create/provision it. This tool is available in the “Content Market” under the + to add to your Content space and can also be accessed in the Books and Tools area. Be sure to click the + sign next to the tool to add it into your course if you want it to display in the content area.

[Please note that the University of Rochester tool is named “Panopto Course Folder Tool” – it may be different in documentation linked below]

How to Add Panopto to Your Blackboard Ultra Course

Access your Panopto folder (video)

To add videos to your course folder, create your folder using the Panopto Course Folder Tool above. Then use the Create button to Upload media into the folder using the instructions here, starting with step 1.2

Upload Videos into your Course folder

To reuse videos from another course folder, use the steps here to make copies of videos into your course folder

Copy Videos from one Panopto folder to another

Panopto Video Embed Tool – This tool allows you to create a link to a Panopto video in your course content area. It is accessed from the Content Marker under the + to add to your Content space. It can also be accessed within an Ultra Document in the Add Content Editor under the + sign if you want to add an embedded video into your course.

[Please note that the University of Rochester tool is named “Panopto Video Embed Tool” – it may be different in documentation linked below]

How to Embed a Video into a Blackboard Ultra Course

How to Embed Panopto Videos in Blackboard Ultra (video)

Panopto Quizzing Tool -This tool allows you to create a link to a Panopto video that contains quiz questions. It will also create a column in the Gradebook for the quiz and when students complete the quiz, it will pass back their scores. It is accessed from the Content Marker under the + to add to your Content space. Please create your Quiz questions directly in Panopto before linking within your course. How to Add a Quiz to a Video

[Please note that the University of Rochester tool is named “Panopto Quizzing Tool” – it may be different in documentation linked below]

How to Embed Panopto Videos with Quizzes in Blackboard Ultra

Panopto Video Quizzes in Ultra Courses (video)

Panopto Student Submission Tool – This tool allows students to submit a video to you as part of an assignment. The video is accessible only to people with access to the Gradebook.

[Please note that the University of Rochester tool is named “Panopto Student Submission Tool” – it may be different in documentation linked below]

How to Create a Video Assignment in Blackboard Ultra 

Create a Video Assignment in Ultra courses (video)

We highly recommend that you provide a link to this site for your students.

How to Submit a Video Assignment in Blackboard Ultra (For students)