Checklist for Department Heads & Administrators
- Present, or invite a privacy officer to present, the SSN-PII policy and related Data Classification and Record Retention policies at meetings of:
- department administrators
- department managers
- department faculty
- department staff
- Announce the availability of secure paper disposal methods
- shredders
- locked toters
- Include SSN-PII disposal in periodic Clean & Go Green days in the department
- Personnel files (including I-9s) in individual offices and in the department office
- Department-developed forms that currently or have previously required SSN
- Finance files, e.g. salary administration, older cum salary reports
- Research files (especially W-9s) in individual offices and in the department office
- Student records
- myURHR reports or extracts or screen-prints
- Contracts with outside parties who are maintaining a data collection for the department
- Infection case report forms
- Unemployment insurance forms
- Faculty file cards and roster databases
- Archival (dead) storage on-site or at outside location, such as Iron Mountain
- Department-developed applications and databases (a.k.a. shadow systems)
- Saved email, both received and sent
- “Home” directories and department or project file directories on file servers
- Backup tapes from departmental systems
- Microfiche, CDs, DVDs, flash (“thumb”) drives, external disk drives
- Ask long-serving employees about past departmental practices that included SSN
- Review the Record Retention policy and dispose of obsolete records (
- Where possible, remove SSN from records that will be retained
- Consolidate storage of SSN records, for example, in the department office or a central file server
- Change department workflow so that copies of SSN are rarely needed
- Remove SSN from circulating paper files, such as student applications and patient records
- Minimize emailing or faxing records containing SSN
- Minimize extracting records containing SSN from central databases and information systems
- Minimize including fields on paper forms that invite the submitter to provide SSN
- Minimize including fields on Web sites that invite the submitter to provide SSN
- Electronic
- Move records containing SSN to a file server in the University Data Center and access them there
- Encrypt records containing SSN that must be outside the University Data Center. This includes records on Departmental servers:
- Paper and microfiche
- At the end of the work day, these records containing SSN should be stored in a locked cabinet in a locked room
- Electronic
- If the record is stored on a file server in the University Data Center, you may just delete the SSN or the record
- If the record is encrypted, you may just delete the SSN or the record
- If the record is stored on write-once media, such as CD-R, you must destroy the media
- Otherwise you must overwrite the record or destroy the media
- Paper and microfiche
- Shred
- Securely transfer to an approved secure waste disposal company, for example, via a locked toter for paper disposal
- If you still possess a data collection containing SSN, or you are responsible for determining who is permitted to access a data collection containing SSN, register the collection with a Privacy Officer ( of the University.
Last modified: April 13, 2009