Outlook has a feature to create delegates, which gives other users specific levels of access into email folders and calendars. Using delegates is much more secure than sharing an account password. You can allow delegates to receive copies of messages, respond to emails and meeting requests, or even create and delete items.

Delegate Permission Levels

  1. Reviewer – Has the least access, can read items in the manager’s folder
  2. Author – Can read and create items on the manager’s behalf, change and delete items that he/she creates
  3. Editor – Has the most access, can read and create items on the manager’s behalf, change and delete any items (created by the editor or the manager)

How to Create or Change Delegate Access

Follow the training video below to grant access permissions in Outlook 2013 (Windows) for people within the University.


To create or change delegate access in other versions of Outlook, follow these instructions: