
Is there just one log in for all the Workday platforms (UR Finance, UR Student, myURHR, UR Procurement)? 

Yes, once you log in to one, you will be logged in to all Workday platforms that you have access to. 

Where can I find all Quick Reference Guides (QRCs) for myURHR Workday?

All QRCs can be found here. 

Where do I find my 6-digit Employee ID and UR ID numbers in myURHR Workday?

In Workday, when you select your employee profile, you will they see your 6-digit Employee ID number under the Job Details section of the Worker Profile landing page. You can find your UR ID under Personal, then click the ID tab. View this QRC for details. 

Where do I find additional benefits information, such as retirement options, optional life insurance, and benefit extras?

Access to and the enrollment process for optional life insurance, retirement accounts, and/or YOUR Benefits Extras will remain the same. You will continue to access your information through the Total Rewards website and external partner websites, such as Securian and TIAA. Find more information here.

Who has access to home contact information in Workday?

Access to personal information in myURHR Workday is limited. The employee as well as HR, Payroll, and Benefits departments will have access, but personal information, such as home addresses will not be available to managers, coordinators, or other employees.

Do managers and coordinators have access to employee home contact information and emergency contacts in Workday?

Access to personal information in myURHR Workday is limited. The employee as well as HR, Payroll, and Benefits departments will have access. If managers or coordinators have a specific business reason for needing the home contact information of an employee, please reach out to the employee or connect with your HR Business Partner. In cases of emergency, please contact HR for emergency contacts.

How do I view my payslip/paystub in myURHR Workday?

A quick reference card is available with instructions on how to access your payslip. Click the link and follow  these instructions.

Can I use the Workday app for myURHR?

myURHR Workday is now live for all employees. It is recommended that users leverage the primary web platform for accessing the system to submit and review transactions. While a mobile app is available for Workday, the mobile app is managed and updated by outside vendors and the myURHR support team can only provide best-effort assistance with mobile app troubleshooting and escalating to vendors. The team provides priority support for non-mobile applications (e.g. web versions).

If you do choose to use the Workday mobile app, please review the following considerations:

  • Employees should follow their department’s guidelines for HR-related functions and for when/how they are performed, e.g. the method they use for time entry, vacation requests, etc.
  • Always refer to the primary web/desktop version of Workday for clarity on UR functionality.
  • Employees will need to follow Workday download instructions in the app store.


As a manager, can I delegate certain responsibilities to someone else in myURHR Workday? 

Yes, the delegation process in myURHR allows managers to temporarily assign their tasks and responsibilities to another person, typically during periods when they are unavailable. Follow the instructions in the Delegate in myURHR QRC.


As a manager, what will be visible in my supervisory organization within my department?

You will see all the people who are in your supervisory organization(s), any positions that are approved and currently vacant, along with current postings and positions that are approved but not posted.  

(For those who work with salary allocations) Does myURHR allow for decimal points in salary allocations? 

Yes, in myURHR two decimal places will be allowed in salary allocations. Individuals will not need to calculate the percentage for the salary cap – it will be entered as an effort percentage and the system will apply the salary cap.  

How can I compare the business processes that are in myURHR Workday vs. the processes we used in HRMS?

Refer to this crosswalk if you previously used HRMS and are looking for the equivalent business processes in myURHR Workday.

How will internal and external candidates be able to view open positions? 

Employees will be able to access the “Jobs Hub” in Workday to view and apply for open positions. View this QRC to view and apply to internal positions for details.

External candidates will utilize an external portal of Workday to view and apply for open positions. Both internal and external candidates will have the ability to easily view specific job locations and remote and hybrid opportunities.


Where should graduate student coordinators submit stipend, tuition, and health waivers?

For the 2024-2025 fiscal/academic year, graduate student coordinators will continue using their current practices for submitting stipend, tuition, and health waivers. 

Stipend information will be carried over to myURHR. Any changes to stipends made or effective after December 12, 2024 will be made in myURHR. 

Tuition and health waivers for fall 2024 and spring 2025 will have been processed by the time myURHR is live on December 16. Any changes to tuition and health waivers for these terms should be directed to your school and not submitted through myURHR.  

  • Tuition and health waivers for summer 2025 will be processed through myURHR. This will require a one-time resubmission of any summer 2025 information previously submitted in HRMS. 


Will I receive notifications that someone has applied to a position?

Hiring managers will not receive an email notification each time an applicant applies, however, they will see applicant information when they log in to myURHR Workday. All unreviewed or new applications will show up as “Action Items” on the recruiting dashboard in Workday. The dashboard will provide a total number of unreviewed applications and an overview of any applicants with pending activity, based on where they are in the recruiting process. 

The recruiting dashboard will make it easier for hiring managers to view and manage their candidate pools and actions. 

(For those who manage grants with salary cap) In myURHR Workday, is there a separate section to include salary caps when changing or editing distributions, and do calculations occur automatically if a salary cap is indicated?

Yes, salary cap functionality is built into myURHR Workday. Additional fields will appear in the costing allocation section when a salary cap grant is entered, allowing the user to input details such as the non-grant account to be used when the cap is exceeded. This information is then used in calculations that occur automatically as part of payroll processing. Training materials are being developed for managing salary cap costing allocations, both prospectively and retrospectively.