
Declutter your digital life

Being proactive about digital clutter can reduce stress levels and safeguard against identity theft and credit card fraud. University IT suggests setting time aside using these tips to spring clean your digital clutter for a more streamlined digital space. Are you curious about how to responsibly manage emails and documentation at Rochester? Check out the University’s policy on retention to understand the institution’s guidelines for managing emails and documentation.


How to properly dispose of electronic devices

Do you have unused electronics collecting dust? Perhaps it is time for digital spring cleaning. Since 2015, New York state law requires recycling of virtually all electronics with fines starting at $100 per incident. For personal electronics, you can securely recycle digital devices free of charge through the IT Equipment Recovery Program. The UR Tech Store provides a list of equipment eligible for recycling and different recycling options. When ready, you can either request a pickup or drop off electronics at the UR Tech Store’s Med Center location, Room G-7220B, between 9 and 4 p.m.

If you are ready to part with University-owned or managed devices, contact your local IT support organization. Review this video on “Need to Know Proper Disposal”.


Go the paperless route

Keep your identity safe by shredding documents containing personal information like bank statements, pay stubs, and canceled checks. Recycling or throwing away these treasure troves for identity thieves is not enough to protect valuable information. IT Security offers this tip: if you ditch those mail statements and go paperless with your accounts, you can protect your information, save paper, and save on potential hidden fees. Iron Mountain totes are located in locations around campus for any work-related documents you are looking to securely recycle.