We are currently in the process of tightening information security controls within the University, and accordingly, in the near future, we will be disabling anonymous binds to the Oracle (NetID) LDAP service.
In preparation for this change, as of Wednesday July 26th, anonymous binds have been disabled on the the test NetID environment (odsee-test.its.rochester.edu). We will be turning off the ability to anonymously bind to the Production environment (odsee.its.rochester.edu) on Tuesday September 19th. Moving forward all applications will need to bind to NetID LDAP using an authorized NetID service account.
To get a service account created for your application, please follow the link to the Service Account Registration Application: https://www.rochester.edu/it/security/ldap_registration/login.php. Please check “Both’ (screen shot below) when selecting which environments you need the accounts within if you have the ability to test your changes prior to making them in production.

Download instructions (PDF) on how, and where, to update the code within your application to bind through your service account.
If you are unsure of how to apply the changes to your application, please email eroule@ur.rochester.edu.
Thank you for understanding and consideration during this changeover.