Entry 1
Title: Zoom Quick Reference Guide for Meeting Hosts
Target Audiences: Faculty and Staff
Team Members: Margarita Rincon
Without much notice, the COVID-19 pandemic forced University faculty, staff and students into a remote teaching, working and learning environment. Luckily, Zoom was the collaboration tool that kept the University of Rochester community connected during unprecedented times. Zoom meeting host guides were created to support those using this collaborative platform. It was important to provide individuals with a comparison guide to understand which type of virtual session would suite their needs best (meetings vs. webinars) and their own reference guides to educate users on features available. Security features are included with meetings to help mitigate zoombombing threats. These guides were distributed together via email, newsletters, social media, news posts, and University IT’s website specifically for users to print and have at their disposal. Digital versions also became available.
Zoom Host-Guide (Meetings vs. Webinar)
Entry 2
Title: Microsoft Teams Quick Reference Guides
Target Audiences: Faculty and Staff
Team Members: Margarita Rincon
Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool introduced to Faculty and Staff to phase out the former Skype for Business tool previously used for quick informal interaction between colleagues through messaging, phone/video conversation, and meetings. The challenges faced were getting individuals acclimated with this new tool before the Skype phase-out, so folks would feel comfortable with the transition. There are a lot of great tips and tricks we wanted to share with the University community to help them get acquainted with the tool and lead them to more in depth tutorials externally on the IT’s website should they need more information. The pandemic helped accelerate the demand to use this tool as it was necessary to collaborate in a work remote environment. Aside from broad announcements with links to the below user guides, managers made them available to team members not aware of the transition. As employees became required to show presence in Microsoft Teams throughout the day, it was even more important to have the resources like these guides available to users. Virtual Zoom sessions were also offered in support of these guides to walk users through each of the features. The following user guides were created for the Entry Level user, Power user and Team Owner:
Microsoft Teams “Entry Level” User Guide