Streamline your self study generation with easy to complete reports. HelioCampus includes preloaded, customizable templates for the professional and regional accreditation standards. Customized Strategic Plan templates can be created. You can plan and implement your strategic plan or self-study process and then create the final report for the accreditors.

About the Evidence Bank

The Evidence Bank in HelioCampus is where we document evidence of continuous improvement in any area that would support the accreditation process for any accreditor (regional or specialized) or support a strategic plan. In order to view and download evidence, one would need the Evidence Contributor role. The Contributor role is limited to those responsible for the various self-studies or strategic plans. If you have information that you believe would be beneficial to document, please contact the Associate Provost for Academic Administration / University Accreditation Liaison Officer, or a self study or strategic plan chair.

Each piece of evidence filed in the Evidence Bank is tagged with appropriate accreditation standards, strategic plan goals, and/or search terms. Personnel with the Contributor role within the HelioCampus Evidence Bank can browse through all the evidence that has been submitted and tag existing evidence to their own projects. In this way, the same evidence can be used to support multiple initiatives. As soon as an entry is tagged to a project (self-study or strategic plan) it then appears in the “Related Documents” section of the corresponding project.

Note: Contributors will receive specialized training on how to effectively input and use data collected in the Evidence Bank.

HelioCampus  – Working with the Evidence Inventory

Managing a Self Study

If you have been assigned a self-study to manage, you can use the following reference sheet to manage the various components of the self study.

HelioCampus – Manage a Self-Study

Contributing to a Self Study

If you have been assigned to work on a self study, the following document will guide you through the various components available to you.

HelioCampus – Contributing to a Self Study