Email Aliases
Email aliases provide everyone in the University community with consistent and easy-to-remember email addresses based on their name (e.g., You can opt in and choose an email alias. This does not require you to reconfigure your email application or re-subscribe to any email lists.
Mailing Lists: Exchange
Exchange distribution lists allow you to send an email to a single address and then have that message automatically delivered to a group of people. Exchange lists enable easy two-way communication between those authorized to use the list, and they are accessible through the University's Global Address List (GAL).
Mailing Lists: Listserv
Listserv allows you to send an email to a single address, and have the message automatically delivered to a group of people. Mailing lists enable easy two-way communication between you and other members of your list, both internal and external to the University. Listserv is effective for announcements, moderated discussions, and mailing to groups on a variety of email systems.
Microsoft 365 Mailbox, Webmail and Calendar
Microsoft 365 is a suite of collaboration tools that includes Exchange-hosted email and calendar service. It offers a seamless workflow with Microsoft Office and other programs.
Faculty and staff sending high risk information to external email addresses are required to use SecureMail. University IT recommends also using SecureMail to send high risk information to University email addresses.
Spam Management (Proofpoint)
The University uses Proofpoint to help protect University email addresses from spam, phishing messages, and other malicious email. Proofpoint also protects all mailing lists and distribution lists. You are automatically enrolled in Proofpoint.
Student Email (Gmail)
University IT, in collaboration with Google, Inc., provides a Gmail interface for student email. This system features 10Gb max storage (including email), enhanced mail search, Instant Messenger chat integration, access to Google Drive, and full calendar use.