Entry 1
Title: Tru Lyfe Animated Cybersecurity Awareness
Target Audience: Faculty, Staff and Students
Team Members: Margarita Rincon, George Beckinghausen, Mark Peterson, Dee Jones, Justin Krog
To keep the attention of audiences with regard to cybersecurity awareness, short animations were created to educate the University community on a few of our most important tips. Auditions were held within our IT department which increased interest and visibility to the videos because other employees enjoyed seeing fellow colleagues and their talents in action. The storyline parodies the MTV series, True Life (Tru Lyfe) and follows a hacker in his daily routine of scamming victims to give insight into the mind of a hacker. These videos were promoted through the University IT website news section and security pages, University’s “@ Rochester” newsletter, social media (Facebook, YouTube), and through email within a specific timeline throughout the academic year.
Tru Lyfe: Episode 1- “Something’s Phishy”
Tru Lyfe: Episode 2- “Surf’s Up”