Users are allowed to register up to two (2) devices - such as gaming systems, TVs, or additional computers under their NetID. Each device is identified by a unique physical (MAC) address. The use of network extensions, including routers or switches, is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of the user agreement, which is digitally signed during the registration process.

Step 1


To register your laptop, desktop, video game console, DVR, video streaming device or any other device with an Ethernet port connect your Ethernet cable to both the port on the wall and your device.

Using a device with a web browser navigate to our registration page.

Step 2

Sign in with your NetID and password then complete the registration steps.

Step 3

Make sure you have a working antivirus client that receives updates. If you do not already have one, please install the free Antivirus Software provided by the University.

Registration Error

If you receive a registration error, try disabling wireless on your machine. You will only be able to register through a LAN connection.

If the issue persists, contact the IT Help Desk at (585) 275-2000.

Registration Page Redirect Error

If you have already registered your computer but are still being redirected to the registration page:

  • Empty your browser cache
  • Wait 10 minutes
  • Reboot your machine

If the issue persists, contact the IT Help Desk at (585) 275-2000