Brendan Mort

Contact Brendan Mort
PO Box 270196
(585) 275-8289

Brendan Mort is the Director of the Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC), which provides researchers with hardware, software, training, and support necessary to utilize computational science and big data computing technology in research activities in all areas of academic scholarship.

Brendan is responsible for managing a staff of computational scientists, programmers, and system administrators who oversee the identification, development, deployment, and maintenance of computational tools and methods for modeling, analyzing, and visualizing computer-driven research projects. The CIRC hosts a symposium series where faculty and students showcase their research to the University community, learn about the application of computing technology to research problems, and participate in discussions that lead to collaborative opportunities. The Center’s expertise, consultation services, collaboration, and community building activities are essential for facilitating the research mission of the University.

Brendan received a Ph.D. in computational chemistry from the University at Buffalo, where he was a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow. His personal expertise is focused on the use of high performance computing and big data technologies for analyzing chemical and biological systems. As a member of the faculty in the Chemistry Department, his research interests have led to collaborations in the exploration of simulations for the elucidation of structure-function relationships in biomolecular systems and the development of accurate methods for the calculation of molecular response properties.