The University hosts two different Zoom accounts, Rochester and URMC. Most settings are the same across the accounts; however there are some differences as shown in the chart below. (Note, the features are subject to change as updates are made to the service).


  • URMC Accounts MUST be used for HIPAA-related meetings.
  • Alternate Hosts can be assigned to users in either tenant (e.g., URMC meetings can have a Rochester Zoom user as an alternate host, and vice-versa). Note, alternate hosts must have licensed accounts. Meetings that have PHI MUST be scheduled with a host in the URMC tenant, even if a Rochester Zoom user is assigned as an alternate host.
  • Only Rochester Zoom accounts can connect using the Blackboard Zoom Meeting Manager tool (Zoom meeting links from URMC accounts can be added as web links)
  • Switching between accounts (Rochester to URMC and vice versa) is allowed, but not suggested. It is recommended that if you need to have a HIPAA account for patient or other medical services, you should use that account.

✅ : On by default, can be turned off unless noted         Θ : Off by default, can be turned on unless noted


Waiting Room Θ Θ
Passcode Θ Θ
Embedded passcode in invitation links   
Host video Θ Θ
Participant Video Θ Θ
Audio Type Telephone and Computer Telephone and Computer
Join before host
Mute participants upon entry Θ Θ
Prevent Participants from saving chat Θ Θ
Private chat
Auto-save chat Θ Θ
File transfer Θ Θ

Polling Θ Θ
Show meeting control bar Θ Θ
Show Zoom windows during screen share Θ
Screen sharing
Who can share All participants
(Can be changed to Host Only)
All participants
(Can be changed to Host Only)
Who can share when someone else is sharing Host only
(can be changed to All Participants)
Host only
(can be changed to All Participants)
Disable Desktop share Θ Θ
Allow saving of shared screens with annotations
Only user who is sharing can annotate Θ Θ
Allow saving of whiteboard content
Autosave whiteboard content when sharing stops Θ Θ
Remote control
Nonverbal feedback Θ Θ
Meeting reactions
Allow removed participants to rejoin Θ Θ
Allow participants to rename themselves
Hide profile pictures in meeting Θ Θ
Breakout rooms

Allow assignment of breakouts when scheduling
Remote support Θ Θ
Closed captioning
Save captions Θ
Language interpretation Θ Θ
Virtual background
Allow video for virtual background
Allow custom upload background
Participant Report Available


✅ : On by default, can be turned off unless noted         Θ : Off by default, can be turned on unless noted