Entry 1
Title: Top 5 Tips to Secure Your Identity Postcard
Target Audiences: Students
Team Members: Margarita Rincon
During student focused events, we provide several giveaways and information to educate students on cybersecurity. Initially these postcards were inspired by our “Top 5 Tips” postcard created for assisted living facility affiliated with the University of Rochester.
Entry 2
Title: Phishing Poster
Target Audiences: Faculty, Staff and Students
Team Members: Margarita Rincon
A poster was created to further assist in our efforts to educate our University community on Phishing attacks and what preventative measures one can take to avoid being baited in a scam. The poster provides viewers a link to further educate them on our IT’s phishing page and see examples of what a Phishing message looks like. The posters were given to several departments or placed around campus.
Entry 3
Title: Residential Network (ResNet) Postcards
Target Audiences: Students
Team Members: Margarita Rincon
During student orientation, first year students received the following postcard as a quick resource to the different network options available on campus while explaining their accessibility and level of security. Students also have a link available to register their device.