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Where can I find all Quick Reference Guides (QRCs) for myURHR UKG?

All QRCs can be found here. 

Is it a requirement for all staff, including salaried staff, to use UKG for time-off requests? 

It is not a requirement for employees to use the time off request process in UKG, however time off still needs to be recorded in UKG to ensure pay and time off balances. Departments will indicate the time off request process that is to be used. There are several benefits of using the request process: 

  • Approved time off requests appear directly on the employee’s UKG calendar for easy viewing.  
  • Reports-to manager can view their team’s time off requests in the system, which can help inform whether they should approve or deny a request.  
  • Approved time off requests populate directly to the timecard at the appropriate time of the pay cycle.  
  • Utilizing a consistent time-off request process across the organization makes it easier when employees transfer to other departments or work in multiple departments.  
  • Usage of multiple or duplicate methods for requesting time off will no longer be needed.  
  • Improved accuracy of requests as manual entry will no longer be required.  

Follow these instructions to enter time off requests in UKG.  

Will I be able to see a projected vacation accrual balance summary in myURHR UKG?

At go-live, myURHR UKG will contain an estimate of an employee’s accrual balances (e.g. vacation, PTO, sick, etc.) as of the pay period prior to go-live. Actual accrual balances will not be available in myURHR UKG until December 31, 2024.

Staff can use this quick reference card (QRC) to find their accrual balances at go-live for information on how to view accrual balances.

If I request time off and my vacation banks do not have enough will my request go through?

myURHR UKG will forecast the balance based on upcoming grants, already approved requests, and used vacation. If a projected balance is available, the system will allow the request to go through.  

When payroll processes, if I do not have enough time in my vacation bank will vacation pay occur?

For exempt employees, it will allow one weeks’ time to be paid. Banks will show a negative balance. For hourly paid employees, if there isn’t enough time in the banks at the time payroll runs, the time will not be paid.

What pay codes can employees enter in UKG?

  • UR Bereavement 
  • UR Call-in Called Off 
  • UR Contagion Pay 
  • UR Education or Class* 
  • UR ESO* 
  • UR Jury Duty 
  • UR PTO 
  • UR Sick 
  • UR Vacation 


*Tracking code only 


Timekeepers and other roles will have access to other paycodes related to their department. 

When requesting time off, do I include a meal break in the number of hours I request off?

The amount of time you request off goes into your timecard and is deducted from your accrual bank, so you should only request the number of hours that you plan to use; nothing more, nothing less. For example, if you typically work 8a-4:30p (8 hours plus a 30-minute meal break) and you want to request a day off, you would request 8 hours off. 

If you have been using UKG for scheduling, you may be used to seeing a short shift (usually 30 minutes) remain on your schedule where you have requested time off. This is because your meal break was manually built into your shift, as we were not yet using UKG for time entry/timekeeping. Now that we are, your timecard and schedules are connected and this 30-minute “shift” should no longer appear on the schedule. 

Do monthly/semi-monthly employees need to enter an employee sign-off (ESO) code on their timecard?

It is up to individual departments if they will continue to require this sign-off for their employees. The ESO code can be found in the drop-down choices and does not impact pay as it is simply a tracking code for the department. Any numerical number can be entered, such as 1.

Please note: Employees cannot directly enter time on a future date in timecards, therefore, if ESO codes are required by the department, the employee will need to be permitted to enter the code on any day prior to the payroll deadline day in the timecard.

Hourly Employees

How do hourly employees enter time worked in myURHR UKG? 

Hourly employees (including student workers) enter their time in UKG either via the time clock, web using the Punch Tile in UKG, or by entering directly into the timecard (requires approval). Check with your manager/timekeeper to understand which method is preferred in your department.  

How do I fix a missed punch in UKG?

Follow these instructions. 

Are meal breaks automatically recorded in UKG for my shifts?

Yes, as such, you should not punch in/out for your meal break.  However, if you are unable to take the full default meal, you will record the reason when punching out (see next question). Note: In New York State, employees who work a shift of six hours or more are entitled to a 30-minute meal break.  

How do I indicate if I didn’t take my full meal break on my shift?

Employees have the ability to choose “Out Punch No Full Meal” at the time clock or on the Punch tile in the UKG system.  

What does the comment “Integration – Timecard Change Requests Rejection” mean in the Comments section of my time off request?

This is used for system processing and can be ignored. If you wish to add a comment to your request, select Employee Comment from the drop-down menu.

I use a Mac. How do I get to “right-click” items in UKG?

If you don’t have right-click set up on your mouse already, use CTRL – mouse click to access the right-click menus in UKG.


How will managers/timekeepers receive time-off requests?

Reports-to managers will be notified of time-off requests via an email and will need to access UKG to review and respond to the request. Timekeepers (if they are not the reports-to manager) will not receive an email notification but will be able to view and act upon Time Off Requests using the UR Time-Off Request Status or UR Time-Off Request Info Dataviews.  

Note: Email notifications cannot be turned on/off at the individual level. If you would prefer to have these notifications saved to a specific Outlook folder upon receipt, follow these instructions. 

Can managers/timekeepers delegate timekeeping tasks when out of the office? 

Yes, managers can delegate timekeeping tasks for short-term periods in UKG to designated timekeepers or someone who has the correct security roles to review and approve timekeeping.  Follow these instructions. 

As a manager/timekeeper, why do I see employees outside of my team in UKG?

Access to timekeeping is based on your department family. Reports to managers (even those who are not timekeepers) and timekeepers are automatically granted access to all employees in their Department Family.  If a different grouping of employees is needed, you can use hyperfinds to filter only those you need to focus on, for example the “My Reports To Employees” hyperfind. Or, you can create a personal hyperfind to further filter your view, for example by Pay Rule (biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly) or Job Category.

Follow these instructions to create a personal hyperfind.

Can managers/timekeepers restrict time entry methods?

Restricting time entry methods will not be done systematically. Departments/units should provide guidance to their teams if they have a preferred method.

The same options for entering time worked will be available for all hourly employees. Employees can use the punch tile in myURHR UKG (either in the UKG mobile app or from a computer), swipe at the time clock, or enter directly into the timecard (entering directly into the timecard requires manager approval).

Can managers/timekeepers determine the method employees use to enter their time? 

Yes, managers/timekeepers can use the Audit tab in the timecard or through the UR Punch Audit dataview. 

Will departments be able to limit how far in advance an employee can request time off?

Generally, myURHR UKG will allow a submittal up to 365 days in advance. If a department has a policy about when/how far in advance a time off request can be submitted, it will need to be reinforced and governed by the department. 

When is time off deducted from someone’s bank of hours?

The time will be deducted when the manager or timekeeper approves the time off request. If the request is for a future pay period, it will show—on reports, in schedules, or via the myURHR UKG calendar—as “planned takings” which are requests that have been submitted and will be approved in the future. An employee’s current daily available balance will still include the hours until they reach the first day they plan to take off.

Will work codes still be available in myURHR?

Work codes will no longer be available as an editable field. Managers and others will select distinct time keeping codes in myURHR UKG such as high vacancy with a unit value.

What Reports are available for managers/timekeepers in UKG?

Managers/timekeepers can access the Report Library, in the Main Menu, to see the reports that are available to them. For more information about reporting, view this QRC.  

What are Dataview and Hyperfinds used for?

A Dataview is an online report or view that allows Managers/Timekeepers to analyze data and take actions on a group of employees or an organization.  

Hyperfinds are used to group people using certain criteria. An example would be that timekeepers may want to view just a select group of employees, rather than the whole department family. They would use a Hyperfind to narrow their view.  

How do I change or override a default meal deduction?

Managers/Timekeepers can change or override the meal deduction by right clicking on the employee’s out punch and selecting the appropriate pay rule for that employee in the Cancel Meal Deduction” drop down menu. If you are looking to delete the Canceled Meal Deduction, you would follow the same steps, but choose the blank space in the dropdown menu. Follow these instructions. 

How do I correct time in a prior pay period?

This is called a historical correction. Timecards should be reviewed regularly to limit historical corrections. When an employee’s timecard has been submitted to payroll with an error, a historical correction can be applied once enabled by Payroll. Once enabled, the Manager/timekeeper can apply the correction on the timecard. Review these exercises, and click Start > Timekeeping > Historical Corrections for instructions. 

Why are there exceptions (red exclamation marks) appearing on salaried employee timecards?

Though salaried employees do not punch in/out to track their time, those who have schedules in UKG (Dimensions) may notice unexcused absence notes or exceptions (red exclamation marks) on their timecards. These exceptions can be ignored and do not impact the salaried person’s pay or hours. Timekeepers/managers do not need to take any action on these exceptions.


The reason the exceptions appear is because schedules without timecard entries do not have a way to confirm that the individual reported in for their scheduled shift/pattern. Scheduling departments can decide whether or not to continue schedule patterns for salaried employees. If it’s necessary/helpful for viewing or planning for coverage, scheduling departments should keep the schedule and ignore the exceptions.  If it’s not beneficial, scheduling departments could consider not inputting schedules for salaried employees and only recording Time-Off/Out of Office.

How do I make edits to an employee’s time off requests?

If you need to edit an employee’s time off request as the manager/timekeeper, you can do so from the employee’s schedule (or in the Control Center). Follow these instructions to edit from the schedule.

Why does the timecard appear locked and how can I edit it?

Whenever a timekeeper/manager approves a timecard during the current in-process pay period, it becomes locked and no employee direct edits are allowed until the approval is removed. The individual who approved the timecard must undo that approval by selecting “Remove Approval” for the timecard to be further edited. Timecards should be reviewed and edited as needed throughout the pay period and then the approval button selected when ready for final confirmation.

Are salaried employees paid even if the timecard is not approved?

Though it is recommended that all timecards are approved, salaried employees are paid even if the timecard is not approved. The only impact will be on any unapprovedvacation/sick time-off requests (i.e. in a “submitted” status) or pending employee edits, as those won’t be reflected in the employee’s timecard until approved by the timekeeper/manager.