Entry 1

Title: How to handle compromised accounts
Target Audiences: Faculty, Staff & Students
Team Members: Margarita Rincon, Gerardo Silva, Benson Poikayil

Our IT department monitors email traffic, and if our systems find a suspicious pattern or behavior, we will err on the side of caution and lock a users account until that individual contacts the University IT Helpdesk to reset their password. To assist individuals who’s account has been compromised, we wanted to provide an instructional how-to guide for our University faculty, staff and students to secure their Google Apps account (students) or office 365 account (faculty/staff). The University IT Helpdesk points users to the webpage with step-by-step instructions and/or provides a print-out guide for users. Providing this documentation allows individuals a streamlined process to handle their compromised account without having outside sources (University IT Help Desk) trying to either walk through or take access of their accounts to “fix” the issue. By creating this step-by-step how-to guide, it alleviates the weight off IT Help Desk where possible and takes out the “middle man“.

Electronic Webpage Instructions

Securing Your Google Apps Account (Students) – for print

Securing Your Office 365 Accounts (Faculty/Staff)- for print

Entry 2

Title: Voicemail How-To Guide
Target Audiences: Faculty & Staff New Hires
Team Members: Margarita Rincon

A pamphlet with voicemail instructions was made as part of our onboarding procedure for new hires. These are handed out during orientation, but also available via web on our University IT website. An employee can handle their voicemail at their leisure without assistance, however, information to contact the IT Help Desk are available should they need more direction. The former version was very static, we felt as thought folks were inundated with a mass of text that was not separated and broken down making it hard for a person to follow. We revamped the design to break up sections and incorporate the University brand. Upon releasing the new version, we’ve had less calls to our IT Help Desk which opens the phone lines and makes our Help Desk associates more available to others.

Voicemail Pamphlet Design (for print)

Voicemail Pamphlet

Voicemail Web Version