What used to require making a trip to the bank has evolved to a simple click to access the many functions of your finances. Now it’s easier than ever to spot red flags with your credit or debit cards and work towards being financially fit and keeping your information secure.


Why Consumers Use Online Banking
  • Manual or Automatic Bill Pay: Paying your mortgage, utilities or other monthly expenses is more convenient
    • Those who prefer the auto pay route can use their banking app or site for a one-time set up that will automatically pay expenses so the user does not have to actively log in to make payments.
  • Linking accounts to various digital payment services: Apps like Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, etc. make it easy to transfer money or make payments to other individuals. Many people use this for rent, services or paying a friend back for their share of a meal at a restaurant.
  • Manage finances: Track incoming and outgoing money or transfer funds to a savings account.
  • Deposit checks
How to Check Your Balance
You’ll need to enroll in online banking through your financial institutions website. Once enrolled you’ll have a username and password that can be used in the following ways.

  • Monitor accounts online through your bank’s website
  • Download your bank’s mobile app to your smartphone or electronic device
  • Set up alerts or text messages: this will inform you when any new purchases have been made in real time
Benefits of Monitoring Account Activity
Money is constantly moving in and out of accounts and while balancing a checkbook might be a thing of the past, it is important to keep track of all spending and ensure your funds are being distributed in the right place. Here are some reasons that could benefit your due diligence.

  • Keep Track of Bill Pay
  • Spot potential fraudulent activity
  • Hidden bank fees: The average banker pays over $160 in fees every year! If you catch any of the following, talk with your bank on how to avoid these sneaky charges.
    • ATM fees (including surcharges from banks other than your own)
    • Monthly maintenance fees
    • Minimum balance fees
    • Paper statement fees
    • Balance inquiry fees
How Often Should You Check Accounts

Not monitoring your checking account can be expensive in more ways than one. In terms of how often you should monitor your checking account, the answer is entirely personal. Still, it’s safe to say that only checking in once a month probably isn’t enough if you want to minimize fraud and fees, and stay on top of your finances.

If you’re not used to monitoring your checking account regularly, you could ease into it by logging into your account once or twice a week. From there, you could graduate to once a day.

If you see fees or charges that you weren’t aware of or an activity that suggests fraud, get in touch with your bank right away!