Teams is designed to be utilized all users in our organization. Teams is a communication tool, keeping groups and individuals connected no matter their physical space (home, office, on-site).


The primary features include: 

  • 1:1 or Small Group chats
    • Files sharing and meetings
  • Collaborative Document Editing
    • Work together with your team authoring Office documents like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. 
  • Task Management 
    • Create tasks  Assign them  Keep track with calendars, charts, and other metrics
  • Project Management
    • Focus on one larger task to accomplish as a team
    • Document libraries to manage all the required materials
    • Conversational chat for a focused experience
  • Meetings
    • Team meetings of up to 300 people 
    • Live meetings (webinar style) up to 10k people 
    • Video, audio, screen sharing (with desktop control options) and more 
    • Background effects and other visual cue’s (raise hand, thumbs up, etc.) 


** PLEASE NOTE: Teams is not accessible by people outside of the organization. You cannot have a chat, meeting, or share files with anyone not part of the University or Medical Center


Learn More 

There are many resources available for getting to know Microsoft Teams better. It is a continually evolving platform, changes and upgrades happen all the time. Keep up to date with the following resources: