Entry 1
Title: Anti-Phishing Campaign
Target Audience: First Year Students
Team Members: Margarita Rincon, Michael Capehart
During first year orientation, the IT communications team holds an annual anti-phishing campaign with a contest to promote and educate on phishing scams. This year in particular a container was filled with the candy Swedish Fish in which students had to take a guess at how many pieces of candy were in the bowl while being verbally educated on the term, phishing. The closest guess without going over wins a gift card to the UR Tech Store (winner announced via email and our social media pages to encourage traffic and likes to our page). After entries are submitted, students are directed towards the next table run by cyber security employees where they receive more information on phishing scams.
A phishing poster with tips to avoid being a victim was designed to support the contest and used across campus while other forms of campaign materials used to support the education on phishing scams. These campaign materials consisted of:
Click to see samples
Entry 2
Title: First Year Student Expo Security Awareness
Target Audience: Students
Team Members: Margarita Rincon
The IT department is annually involved in student orientation also known as, “Expo”, to give students helpful information or tchotchkes promoting cybersecurity and our University IT website where we hold various services that students will use regularly during their college career. Some of these campaign materials were:
Click to see samples
- Pens with “Don’t write your password down” and IT web link
- Stress Ball with “Stress less about data security” and IT web link
- Webcam covers for devices with our UR Tech Store logo
- Credit card slip “We care, we are security aware” and IT web link
Entry 3
Title: W-UIT Animated Security Awareness Campaign
Target Audience: Faculty, Staff and Students
Team Members: Margarita Rincon, Vern Williams, Jay Riley, Tyrese Johnson, Susie Kopitzki
IT’s Communications department are always trying to find new avenues to educate the UR community on security awareness. Monthly animated security tips were created in a news-like setting also known as W-UIT with host, Rita Smoreteps (Read Us More Tips), following a specific monthly theme to intrigue viewers and provide our audience with an entertaining visual to staying secure. Several folks from our department were recruited for voiceovers to create more buzz around the content and drive more views.
To raise awareness, these videos are hosted on the UR IT’s youtube page and shared to various University of Rochester newsletters, departments, staff meetings and social media platforms. Graphics are also created for social media to support the videos. Some examples of our campaign efforts and how they are distributed are listed below:
Click to see examples
- The above animation is an example from our March Facebook Cloning Scam tip to visually show how we executed these videos. We typically try to keep content between 1-3 minutes with closed captioning options and provide links where our audience can find more information regarding the topic.
- Facebook Post: When a W-UIT video goes live, we announce via social media. This facebook post for example, announces the newly released animated tip to Digitally Spring Clean during the month of May where we teach audiences about our Equipment Recovery Program Service through our UR Tech Store and the importance of securely recycling unused electronics.
- Instagram Post: Example of W-UIT graphic used to post a security tip for Data Protection during the month of April using W-UIT’s host, Rita Smoreteps.
- Email Blast: An email blast is sent to folks within our UR Information Technology department to announce a newly released W-UIT video. This example in particular was for the month of March regarding the highly reported, Facebook Cloning Scam.
- @Rochester Newsletter: an example of how our animated videos are sent via a short blurb within one of our University of Rochester newsletters. Anytime our videos go live, the UR community receives notice through the @Rochester newsletter which distributes directly to faculty and staff. In order to reach students, animations are distributed through the student focused newsletter, The Reporter.