
Adobe specializes in software for the creation and publication of a wide range of content, including graphics, photography, illustration, animation, multimedia/video, motion pictures, and print.


Mathematica is a software package that is ideal for communicating scientific ideas, whether visualization of a concept in an introductory level course or creating a simulation of a new idea related to research. Mathematica is commonly used in mathematical sciencesphysical sciencesbusiness and financelife sciencesengineering, and computer science.


  • Faculty, staff, and students are eligible to use products on campus or personal machines
  • Agreement supports use of products in instruction and academic research
  • Licensing is renewed annually and is available only to active students, faculty, and staff


The SAS System is an integrated suite of software for enterprise-wide information delivery. Applications include executive information systems; data entry, retrieval, and management; report writing and graphics; statistical and mathematical analysis; business planning, forecasting, and decision support; operations research and project management; statistical quality improvement; computer performance evaluation; and applications development.

SAS is available to enrolled students, instructional faculty and researchers engaged in original academic research work on both university and personally-owned computers (home use) are allowed to use the license.

Institutional research and other administrative uses related to the operation or improvement of a university or at an associated healthcare institution including patient care and sponsored research are not included within the scope of the license.

University staff who are participating in institutional research and other administrative uses. Please contact UR Tech Store for quote


SPSS Statistics is a statistical and data management package for analysts and researchers, providing a broad range of capabilities for the entire analytical process, including powerful statistics; data access, preparation, and management tools; high-quality tabular and graphical output, and a variety of reporting methods. University licenses include:

  • SPSS Statistics Base
  • Advanced Statistics
  • Bootstrapping
  • Categories
  • Complex Samples
  • Conjoint
  • Custom Tables
  • Data Preparation
  • Decision Trees
  • Direct Marketing
  • Exact Tests
  • Forecasting
  • Missing Values
  • Neural Networks
  • Regression
  • SamplePower
  • Visualization Designer


Stata is a complete, integrated statistical package that provides the tools needed for data analysis, data management, and graphics. Stat/Transfer converts data between different spreadsheet and statistical programs, including Stata, Excel, JMP, Matlab, Minitab, SPSS, and SAS.


MATLAB is an integrated technical computing environment that combines numeric computation, advanced graphics and visualization, and a high-level programming language. MATLAB is used in a variety of application areas including signal and image processing, control system design, finance, engineering, and medical research.


LabVIEW is used for test, measurement, and control. LabVIEW allows development of intuitive block diagrams for I/O, analysis, and presentation needs. LabVIEW performs many functions from data acquisition to advanced embedded software development. The University’s LabVIEW license may be used for both teaching and academic research.


ArcGIS is a powerful desktop and server tool for mapping and analysis through the application of geographic knowledge. ArcGIS can perform spatial analysis while combining independent tabular data layers with maps, imagery and 3D geographic features. ArcGIS will be available on the CIRC platform for intensive research applications. ArcGIS also comes with web apps and device apps to share your work with others in across the University. These apps run on smartphones, tablets, web browsers, and desktops, and support a range of tasks and workflows. Under this license, all standard Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) modules are included.

Microsoft Office

Faculty, staff, and students can download the latest version of Microsoft 365 (Formerly Microsoft Office) free of charge as part of the Microsoft Campus Agreement. You can install Microsoft 365 on up to five computers or devices, either University owned or personally owned. The package includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, and Access (PC only) for Windows and Mac.


JMP dynamically links statistics with graphics to interactively explore, understand and visualize data. Includes a comprehensive set of statistical tools, experimental designs, and statistical quality control functions.

JMP is available to enrolled students, instructional faculty and researchers engaged in original academic research work on both university and personally-owned computers (home use) are allowed to use the license. Institutional research and other administrative uses related to the operation or improvement of a university or at an associated healthcare institution including patient care and sponsored research are not included within the scope of the license.

University staff who are participating in institutional research and other administrative uses, please contact UR Tech Store for pricing.